Tinnemans Medical Design

Hospital furniture
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Interiorworks existing of:

  • Cabinets with a flexible, medical interior system

Medische kastwand
Medical cabinet
Medical drawer
Detail of catheter hangsystem

  • Catheter cabinets

Katheter storage
Catheter storage
Katheter transport cabinet
Cabinet for transporting catheters and other supplies

  • Electrical hight adjustable writing desks
  • Sinks and tabletops in FormicaŽ Solid Surfacing.


Bowl in "Formica Solid Surfacing"
Bowl in FormicaŽ solid surfacing
Bowl and waste detail in "Formica Solid"
Bowl and waste detail
in FormicaŽ solid surfacing

Tinnemans Medical Design
Belleweg 9
NL-5711 DH Someren
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)493-472399
Fax:+31 (0)493-473299